Dobrá Voda opět "ve formě"

Asociace, Chalupy

Červencová vichřice, která se prohnala Vysočinou, zanechala dílo zkázy i na naší základně v Dobré Vodě.

Popadané stromy poničily střechu na letní jídelně a promáčkly i střechu hlavní budovy.

Teď, na konci října, tedy ani ne po třech měsících, už je opět vše opravené, ba dokonce vylepšené.

Posuďte z fotek sami.


Letní jídlena po vichřiciLetní jídelna po opravě - s novou střechou


<a href=>cbd with thc gummies</a> have been a game-changer for me! They're useful, mouth-watering, and a great personality to from the benefits of CBD discreetly. I've set up that they help me unwind after a big day and to ground my drop quality. Extra, sagacious particularly how much CBD I'm getting in each gummy makes it easy to make it my dosage. If you're irregular involving taxing CBD, gummies are a capacious starting point. Honourable be confident to judge a reputable maker with high-quality ingredients after the defeat experience!

[url= ]cbd for sleep gummy[/url] sire become a go-to championing me, donation a within easy reach, tasty route to satisfaction in CBD’s benefits. I admire how judicious they are, so I can blast off them anytime, anywhere. On one's own, they’ve helped me reduce and improved my drop quality. I also like that each gummy has a set amount of CBD, which makes it easy to apprehend my intake. As a replacement for anyone interested in tiresome CBD, gummies make for a smooth starting point. Unbiased a tip-off: go with a view a dependable name brand to ensure quality and effectiveness!

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